Thursday, February 27, 2020

ROBBERY police foundations program (canada) Essay

ROBBERY police foundations program (canada) - Essay Example Robbery refers to illegal possession, attempt over one's property or cash by violence, threat of force or any influencing force with or without injury. For instance, bank robbery, shop robbery, snatching, looting, train robbery etc. Nature and percentage of robbery in various countries vary from time to time. Faulkner shared his views for United States as Robbery-related injuries constitute a major risk for convenience store workers in the United States. Studies that focus on the injury outcomes associated with convenience store robbery are extremely limited in number. Robbers make their plans and strategies with respect to their targets. It has been observed that robbers are mostly aware of wealth status and routine of their targets. Most of the time, Cash-in-transit vans are being targeted. Mr. Gill defined the same statement as Cash-in-transit vans are an attractive target for robbers because they are lucrative. Rate of robberies and crimes such as armed robberies, crimes committed by employees, commercial crime, are not controllable even in countries like United States of America then third world countries stand no where. Robbers, who are lost in greed, do not care for one's life for the sake of money. Robbery is a result of being associated or friendly to extremist people. After a few robberies, robbers become habitual of crimes and robbery becomes their nature. Individual robbery is the most common type of robbery.

Monday, February 10, 2020

DiSC Personality Sssessment Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DiSC Personality Sssessment - Research Proposal Example How important is it that a persons' DISC Profile match up with the perceived needs of a particular job I wish to address this problem specifically within the context of a teacher's perception of a secondary principal in his or her role of leading teachers through the change process. This could serve as a useful tool in improving the performance of a secondary principal or even help in defining the actual expectations for a particular position. From this basic research, many more meaningful studies could come about. The problem is that we wish to understand what teachers need from the secondary principal in terms of DISC traits and if these perceived needs have the potential to be fulfilled within the actual relationship. We could discover if it is in some way helpful to use the DISC Profile in identifying future candidates and delineate which particular qualities in the candidate make them most appropriate. The study could be used as an aide to modify the performance of an existing principal by identifying key areas for improvement. The purpose of the study is to determine if there is any correlation between a teacher's perspective of DISC Profile personality traits of an ideal secondary principal and the actual results of DISC analysis of a secondary principal... One provocative theory is that the teachers know best about which personality traits a principal must possess in order to achieve success in leading them through the change process. In an ideal situation, these expectations would be fully realized during the change and correlate closely with the actual DISC assessment of a successful principal. This is the most tempting possibility because it is the simplest and most straightforward. It lends credence to the idea that there is a high degree of correlation between expectations and outcome. When the project is moving along according to plan, then it is an excellent indicator that all is well. Further investigation is required only when the performance is unsatisfactory. The DISC analysis is a useful tool because it is geared towards self-improvement and personal growth. In this study, discrepancies between actual and perceived DISC traits could be revealing in such a way that would allow a secondary principal to achieve his or her full potential. If from a teacher's perspective a secondary principal was lacking in some critical personality trait and this conflicted with his or her DISC Profile, then that might indicate the capacity and need for change. The DISC Profile could act as a common ground between all of the individuals involved in the process and provide direction for increasing the effectiveness of the project as a whole. The methodology of this research study would involve the distribution, collection, and analysis of a DISC type personality trait inventory sent to teachers and comparison of these inventories to an actual DISC Profile completed by the secondary principal. As a model for the study, one local high school would be selected to participate based on interest and the ability to